About 3DWORX

3DWORX is helping mining, aerospace & defence, automotive and other firms lower operating costs, increase profitability, accelerate product development & improve manufacturing efficiency through the use of industrial 3D Scanning and 3D Printing technologies for reverse engineering, quality control, 3D documentation and product development. Let us facilitate a digital "Innovation Exploration" workshop to unlock untapped & new business potential with your leaders. We're guaranteed to find new markets, new solutions, solve problems, eliminate wastage and help your company make a step-change so that it can thrive in today's turbulent economy. 3DWORX distributes eviXscan 3D Scanners with Leios & GeoMagic Engineering Software in the Sub-Saharan & East-African regions. 3DWORX sells premium industrial & high-end consumer 3D Printers & Consumables; and provides advisory services and training on innovative & disruptive ways to be more competitive and ensure your business survival. 3DWORX also provides 3D scanning, reverse engineering and manufacturing quality control services. Our 3D printing/additive manufacturing bureau services offer solutions using polymers, wax, ceramics, metals and sand as appropriate for your industrial requirements.